Frequently Asked Questions

The most frequently asked questions answered for you.

Economically Questions

What is the price for an Easywind Wind Turbine?

  • a pricelist for non Germany will be availble soon.


Technical Questions

Question: Do you only have a small wind turbine in your program?

  • Currently we have the 6kW version with 6.2 and 6.8 (exclusively low wind areas) meter diameter.
  • We are currently testing the large 6.8 meter rotor on a 9kW generator with inverter.

Question: At what speed does the rotor turn?

  • The 6kW produces at 85-87 in stage 1 and 124-127 rpm in stage 2.
  • The 9kW operates at variable speeds, producing from ~70 to 135 rpm.

Question: Do I have to feed in the electricity that the Easywind produces?

  • The connection is parallel to the grid. When they do not consume electricity, the rest is automatically fed into the grid, and when the wind is not blowing, it is automatically imported from the grid. A battery storage can increase the rate of self-consumption. Attention: some battery manufacturers have special power rules for use with wind, because the battery is charged/discharged more frequently than with a PV system.
  • A heating rod, heat pump and/or a wallbox with active control can reduce a grid feed to a minimum.

Please refer to the flyer "Energy concept" in the download area.

Question: Do I need a building permit for an Easywind and why?

  • In most federal states, only small wind turbines with a total height of up to 10 meters and a rotor diameter of up to 3 meters can be erected without a procedure (but not without a legal obligation!).
  • Our Easywind has a hub height of 19 meters and a total height and rotor diameter of 22.1/22.4 meters. It therefore requires a building application in accordance with the valid LBO of its federal state.

Question: How long does the building application take?

  • The building application is processed by your local building authority and is therefore quite individual.

Question: Can the Easywind be built anywhere?

  • If the desired location is in a development plan, this must be included/defined in the development plan. It may then have to be useful to the house/yard as an ancillary plant and more than 50% of the electricity must be consumed.
  • In the outdoor area, all wind turbines up to 2 units are privileged under §35 (1) 5. of the Building Code. This applies throughout Germany.
  • The distances for the emission of sound and shadow must always be observed. These are dependent on the adjacent areas, e.g. industrial area, residential area.

An initial assessment is provided by the sound calculator or the sound calculator twin from the download area.

Direct contact

For questions that we have not answered in our FAQ or information about our offer, we are at your disposal.

Please understand that we cannot answer questions that have already been answered in the FAQ.
Check the FAQ if your questions are not answered or only partially answered.
The questions answered under FAQ are regularly updated and expanded.

We look forward to your inquiry

Central office

Phone: +49 4662 88431-0
Fax: +49 4662 88431-99

Send e-mail