Demonstration Installations

Locations of our EasyWind Installations for demonstration and research purposes.

Installations for demonstration and research purposes

GreenTec Campus Enge-Sande

Directly at our office on the GreenTec Campus, three EasyWind-turbines are installed in our own testing area. Two of them are Monotowers with a steel root and one is a wired installation. Here, we test new features before we introduce them to the market. We happily welcome interested visitors who would like to take a close look at the EasyWind small wind turbines.

Energieforschungspark Lichtenegg

In the Austrian Energy Research Park Lichtenegg, a test area for small wind turbines from various producers can be found. The target of the project is to achieve a basis for comparison between the different turbines by transparently and objectively testing these. Under the following link, you can find the different installed turbines and their current yields:

Visit the website

Nordisk Folkecenter

The Nordisk Folkecenter in Northern Denmark has its main emphasis on research on renewable energies and on developing and testing new discoveries. For more than five years, an EasyWind turbine has been installed in their test area. Under the following link, you can find some pictures from the initial installation of the EasyWind turbine:

Visit the website

Green Tech Center Vejle

Another EasyWind turbine in Denmark is located at the GreenTech Center. Here, the functionality of intelligent electricity grids (smart grids) is being tested. On the webpage of the Green Tech Centers, you can see the live yield of our turbines and other installed technologies along with the live consumption of the buildings:

Visit the website


More information and technical data are to be found in our download area:

To the download area

Direct contact

For questions that we have not answered in our FAQ or information about our offer, we are at your disposal.

Please understand that we cannot answer questions that have already been answered in the FAQ.
Check the FAQ if your questions are not answered or only partially answered.
The questions answered under FAQ are regularly updated and expanded.

We look forward to your inquiry

Central office

Phone: +49 4662 88431-0
Fax: +49 4662 88431-99

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