EasyWind Network

We cooperate with strong partners from the wind industry.


Energieforschungspark Lichtenegg

An EasyWind 6 AC turbine can be found in the energy research park Lichtenegg since 2012. In Lichtenegg, one can see the cumulated energy production yield of our turbine for the last 24 hours. Producers of small wind turbines have the possibility to get their turbines objectively tried and tested with independent testing and measuring equipment.

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Nordisk Folkecenter

The Nordisk Folkecenter is a non-profit and independent organisation which actively engages in the development, industrial innovation and implementation of technologies within the renewable energies sector and energy saving in Denmark and worldwide. Since 2009, an EasyWind 6 AC can be found there.

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Nordisk Folkecenter

Energy-related services in the field of renewable energies.

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How to become a partner

With our technology, we provide small wind turbines that can be used extremely efficiently and reliably as energy generators for self-supply. If you are interested in becoming a partner, we look forward to your request.

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